Self-Coaching, Creating the Life you always Dreamed

Course Description:

Self-Coaching (Creating the Life you always Dreamed) consists of 36 contact hours divided into 6 modules of 6 hours each. This course is a prerequisite for anyone who wishes to become a Life Coach or Marriage Coach through Believe!. This course is for you if you want to achieve its objectives, even if you do not plan to become a Professional Coach.


Self–Coaching Course Objectives:

Discover and embrace a more extraordinary you.

Create the life you dream.

Understand, manage and live happily as you experience life’s processes and changes.

Handle life’s problems from a healthy spiritual, mental and emotional perspective.

Learn to live in the moment.

Identify and break the comfort zones that limit you from living your life’s purpose.

Break free from toxic habits.

Identify and shift the limiting thoughts to ones of empowerment, effectiveness and action.


Take away the power from yesterday’s wounds and

tomorrow’s anxieties; learn to live in the moment.



Self-Coaching Course Goals:

  • The fundamental purpose of this course is to enable you to learn to identify, overcome and change everything that has you stagnate personally, emotionally, spiritually, and professionally.
  • Becoming your own Life Coach in order to free and use the power in you – already given by God to each human being – so that you can live and enjoy your purpose and life design.


So Many people have chosen to live with their problems and limitations,

without realizing that they have options to make a big difference.

“MAPH Technique”

Believe! Coaching is the creator and only coaching school using the MAPH Technique.

It’s composed of three basic principles that every human being experiences throughout the different seasons of life.

Mastering these principles has proven to be extremely valuable when deciding to leave behind beliefs that limit your God given potential, to make a way for the realization of your goals and dreams.


Be Empowered from the Inside Out.


Self-Coaching Teaching Strategies:

  • Conferences
  • Audiovisual Presentations
  • Life work
  • Practical exercises
  • Contemplative exercises
  • Individualized and group exercises



Carried out by:

Heriberto González

y Nydia Albino

Certified Life and Marriage Coaches